t's and c's

Terms and Conditions

Thank you for visiting the sarcastic cynical optimist. With out the online support I have received from friends, family, and my other blogger friends this world would seem a little more lonely.

I hope you will contact me about anything you may find on this blog, if you have any questions, comments or products you would like me to review please contact me at thediydame AT gmail DOT com

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery my request is this – if you copy or use any portion of my blog on your web page or blog please do me the courtesy of giving credit where credit is due and also linking to my blog where you found the item that sparked your interest. All content unless other wise noted in property of the blog www.diydame.blogspot.com . If you wish to use something from my site please let me know. I will also try my hardest to give credit where credit is due. Please feel free to let me know if I have used something of yours without permission. Please feel free to link to my blog as well.

Here are some simple rules to follow on my site:

1. Don’t be a jackass. This means don’t be mean to other people, everyone is entitled to their ideas and opinions. It is possible to respectfully disagree.

2. I curse a lot in real life. Since cursing is bad, I feel like I need to give you a warning. I curse in this blog too.

3. I am not cool with illegal stuff particularly if it is some way linked to my blog(s) or me that is a really quick way to excuse yourself from my life permanently. Drug trading through comments is not allowed and neither is racist, derogatory, or super offensive remarks. Though those last three aren’t illegal, but I don’t like mean people. Roger?

4. No Porn. No Viagra. No sex ads of any kind. Don’t get fresh with me. I will remove it with quickness.

5. If you are going to plug your site please at least do me the courtesy of a polite comment about my blog.

6. Contact me via email if you have a question for me, if you haven't yet found my email addy it is thesarcasticcynicaloptimist AT gmail DOT com

7. No spam. The pink stuff or the comments.

8. I don’t get paid to blog. I know, it blows your mind right? I am just as poor as you are and crafting to save some green. If you want to send me free products to try, go ahead, but brace for a honest, no holes barred review positive or negative.

9. Play nice. You learned that in kindergarten. If a 5 year old can do it so can you.

These terms and conditions are paraphrased from the ones found on the Chic Runner with full permission from the Chic Runner herself.